Captivate by Carrie Jones

Title: Captivate
Author: Carrie Jones
Source: Bought
Rating: 5 Stars                        


Half-pixie/half-human Zara, Nick, and their friends imprisoned evil pixies in Need (2008), but more of the wicked sprites are springing up everywhere, and a pixie king is convinced that Zara is his queen—something hard to refute since her skin turns blue every time he appears. Nick is fatally wounded during an ambush, causing Zara to believe she must give in to her dark side to save him. This entry successfully delivers expected characters, tensions, and romance. Norse lore adds a new dimension, but feels extraneous rather than integrated into the story. Still, fans will rejoice in the familiar.

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My Thoughts
Captivate is the second installment in the need series by Carrie Jones and it does not disappoint. Our heroes are put to the test when a new threat turns up that is even worse than the pixies they have locked away. I really liked this book because each of the characters was able to be flushed out more and so was the world Carrie Jones created. Filled with even more secrets and heart pounding adventure than the first book, Captivate is a wonderful edition to this series and will have readers captivated from the very first page.
