Title: Claimed (The Circulate Series)
Author: K.R. Smith
Source: Bought
Rating: 4 Stars
Jessica has had a bad week, she's been cold, hungry, and without shower and her diabetes doesn't approve, so when her boyfriend and their couple friend stop at Alma for food things slip away from her control.
Author: K.R. Smith
Source: Bought
Rating: 4 Stars
Jessica has had a bad week, she's been cold, hungry, and without shower and her diabetes doesn't approve, so when her boyfriend and their couple friend stop at Alma for food things slip away from her control.
Luckily one of the locals, Flint ,
helps her gather her composure and he joins her to eat as her
soon-to-be-ex boyfriend drinks with his friends. They strike a little
friendship but as her boyfriend sees what’s going on things escalate as
she is soon sans boyfriend and ride to Anchorage . Stranded in a small bar in small Alaskan town she accepts a ride to Anchorage from Flint , the Native American man who has more going for him than just tall, dark good looks.
My Thoughts
A short, but very sweet I really enjoyed reading this book and the characters were really kind to each other. It was a nice change of pace from the usual heroines who are taken on a journey of some sorts that is filled with near deaths and terrifying encounters (not that I don’t love those). Not to say that the characters didn’t have any problems, but for the most they had a very romantic meeting with only a small obstacle that they have to take care of. All in all it was a nice read especially since it is free.
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