Do you ever have that moment when reading a book where a quote just makes you want to sigh out loud at how sweet, romantic, or even just plain sexy it is. Well I do and every saturday I post one of my favorite swoon worthy quotes. If you have a swoon worthy quote let me know by posting it in the comment section or if you want put it in a new post and let me know about it.

“He kissed me wildly, overwhelming me like a giant wave rushing to shore. I was soon lost in the turbulent grasp of his embrace and yet…I knew I was safe. His wild kiss drove me, pushed me, asked me questions I was unwilling to consider. But I was cherished by this dark Poseidon, and though he had the power to crush me utterly, to drown me in the purple depths of his wake, he held me aloft, separate. His passionate kiss changed. It gentled and soothed and entreated. Together we drifted towards a safe harbor. The god of the sea set me down securely on a sandy beach and steadied me as I trembled. Effervescent tingles shot through my limbs delighting me with surges of sparkling sensation like sandy toes tickled by bubbly waves. Finally, the waves moved away and I felt my Poseidon watching me from a distance. We looked at each other knowing we were forever changed by the experience. We both knew that I would always belong to the sea and that I would never be able to part from it and be whole again.”
Tiger's Voyage by Colleen Houck
(Sigh) That is my quote for today hope you liked it and I would love to read any quotes you might have.
Thanks for visiting!
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