Title: BFF and the Secret Santa
Author: Amanda Lawrence Auverigne
Book Rating: 5 Love potions
Source: Review Copy
Author: Amanda Lawrence Auverigne
Book Rating: 5 Love potions
Source: Review Copy
It’s the last week of classes at university, and Lydia Foster is struggling to find happiness.
She's lost the love of her life, Lucas, who ended their relationship to be with someone else.
Her best friend Amber is having a torrid affair with a professor and Lydia must keep it a secret.
Her final exams are extremely stressful and Lydia is worried about her grades.
On the morning of her last examination, Lydia awakens to discover that her troubles are just beginning.
She receives a gift from a friend that changes her life.
My Thoughts
Amazing book with some delightful characters this book is a must read!
Getting over a bad relationship can be hard especially while keeping a huge secret for your friend and struggling with exams at the same time. Lydia is a strong character and with help from her quirky best friends she is able to make it through these tough times and maybe even some strange surprises. Reading this I was put through a rollercoaster of emotions and I loved it. I cried, laughed, smiled, and yelled for joy by the time the story was finished. There was even a surprise twist in the ending, but it was definitely a delightful surprise.
Get lost in a heartwarming tale and read "BFF and the Secret Santa” by Amanda Lawrence Auverigne.
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