"Disappear" by Kay David

Title: Disappear
Kay David
Publisher: Harlequin Books
Rating: 5 stars
Source: Bought

How does a family just disappear?
Alexis Mission returns to her parents' house for Thanksgiving and winds up in the middle of a mystery. The house is locked, the turkey's in the oven -- burned to a crisp -- four places are set at the table and not one member of her family can be found.
Sitting in the shadows is a man claiming to be a government agent. Gabriel O'Rourke wants her to believe what can't possibly be true. He wants her to go with him. He wants her to trust him. But that's not what Alexis wants.
Too bad she has no other choice. Gabriel is the only one who can tell her what's going on -- even if everything he says sounds like a lie.
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My Thoughts
This story is a provocative tearjerker that I couldn’t put down
Alexis is forced to deal with losing her family at a young age and even worse she has to deal with a mystery that could get her killed. I liked how much this character grew in the story she was really brave and went through things that no one should ever have to experience, but she came out of it a better person.  There was so much emotion evoked from this book and I could really relate to the character’s need for independence in the beginning. So when she found her family missing after so much time apart I almost began to cry myself. It is a horrible thing to lose one’s family and this book really captures the heart of a family and how precious they are.
Gabriel was a solid character with a lot of depth to him. It was nice to learn about him along with Alexis and come to understand him and his situation a bit more. I was really angry with him toward the end, but overall he was a great character.
The story itself was beautiful and heart wrenching at times with somewhat of a bittersweet ending. There was some happiness for Alexis whom I was glad for and I believe the story really makes you stop and think about the ones you love and to maybe not take them for granted because one day they may not be there.

I highly recommend this  story to anyone who loves a great provocative story with a bit of romance and I also recommend keeping a box of tissues close by because this will definitely bring some tears.


  1. Sounds like a great read! Thanks for the review :)

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