Blogspiration (4) Optimism

Blogspiration is a new weekly meme hosted by GrowingUpYA and Saz101. The meme was created to help spark inspiration among bloggers, readers and writers alike. An inspirational quote/picture/video is posted weekly, on the day of the author's choosing, so that it may inspire creativity, conversation or just a little SOMETHING.

'Optimism is always better than pessimism,' he whispered, 'at least then, you know you'll find happiness.'
-          Hatter (Tarrant)

This quote is from the a Fanfiction named Return to Wonderland: Ruins of the Heart by razz4499.

This is an amazing quote that I wholeheartedly agree with and try to live by everyday. Besides the way I see it why be miserable when you can be happy instead (:


  1. Ooh, yes! And the way that you look at things influences the way that the people around you look at things too. So you can encourage them to be happy too, just through the way that you live!

  2. 'Optimism is always better than pessimism,' he whispered, 'at least then, you know you'll find happiness.'

    I LOVE this, Katie. I am so, so SO taking this on board. It is SO a lesson I NEED to learn xx

  3. Ooooh! That's such a great quote!! I LOVE IT.

  4. Hi, love the blog! I found your blog over on Book blogs and followed on gfc and networked blogs, I would love it if you would check my blog out to!
    Thanks, Kate.

  5. Love this quote!! And I think is so so true!! I should start living by it too! :) Amazing blogspiration! ;)


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