Title: The Dumped Club
Author: Ally Symmons
Publisher: Steam eReads
Rating: 4 Stars
Source: Review Copy
Mardi Stewart thought she’d found the perfect boyfriend in Paul Baker…until she discovers he is already married.
Reeling with shock from the betrayal, Mardi finds herself in the arms of Rob Fulton, her best friend’s brother. Newly returned from England, Rob is also the victim of a sour relationship and only too keen to commiserate the folly of love with Mardi.
Embarking on a ‘friends with benefits’affair, Rob and Mardi vow they will never be blinded by love again. But Mardi doesn’t tell Rob that despite her affirmation she still secretly holds a torch for Paul Baker. When Paul returns to her with promises of a new life together will it be Paul or Rob who becomes the next member of The Dumped Club?
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My Thoughts
Don’t want to be in love!
This story will take you on a roller coaster ride of
emotions. It was beautifully done and I liked that the characters were very
relatable. The plot was paced very well and I loved that we had time to get to
know more about each character and see how they interacted with one another. Relationships
are always a tricky business and no one knows that better than Mardi Stewart.
Mardi is a normal woman who has been burned in love. I
really enjoyed getting to know her. She is a fund and beautiful woman. She is
also very relatable. There are many who have been in her position sadly and I
felt that given the circumstances she handled things the best way she could. I
also liked that there was a lot of character growth for her throughout the
story. She learns a lot about herself and what she needs in a relationship.
Rob is in much the same position as Mardi. He is a great guy
and I really liked him. He treated Mardi very well even though they weren’t
together officially. His character also had some personal growth that was very
nice to see.
The romance was chaos, but also sweet. Emotions ran high
throughout the story and it was a wild ride as far as that was concerned. It
was also a lot of fun though and I really enjoyed seeing how things turned out
for both Rob and Mardi.
This is a fun and beautiful story that I highly recommend to
anyone who has ever had a bad breakup!
This sounds like a fun read!