Title: Sun Damaged (Sunshine #3)
Author: Nikki Rae
Published On: March 28, 2014
Publisher: Self-Published
Life wasn't what Sophie was expecting, so why should death be any different?
She’s come back from swimming between the two, and every problem she left is still there. And then some.
There’s the human world, where she has a brother on the verge of ruins, band mates all set to go on tour, and people she thought she wouldn't be seeing for a long time showing up.
Then there’s her new world, where she’s seeing and hearing things that should not be heard or seen. Where Myles knows more about her than she could have ever guessed. She still doesn't know exactly why Michael is tormenting her, but somehow, everything is connected.
The monsters are closing in on all sides and the question is, will Sophie be able to defeat them before it all ends?
Other Books in this Trilogy:
[click on the covers to add these books to your Goodreads Shelf!!!]
Rating: 5 Stars !!!
I got this book as a complimentary copy from the author, free of cost, in exchange of an honest review from my side.
Firstly I would like to thank the author for giving me this opportunity of reading and reviewing this book.
Okay so first let me express how grateful I'm that I got an ARC of Sun Damaged and I got to read it before it's release. After reading Book 1 - Sunshine (See my Review of Sunshine) and Book 2 - Sun Poisoned (See my Review of Sun Poisoned) of this series I fell in love with Nikki's writing. She has magic in her words that would compel everyone who will pick her book up and the same happened with me too. I was waiting ages for reading this final installment and now when I've read it, well I'm feeling very sad that this trilogy has come to an end and I'll really miss Sophie a lot!!!
Ah!!! The emotions that the author so genuinely and brilliantly expressed in this book, touched my heart and made me cry too. The hardship that Sophie, Myles and Jade had to go through made my heart ache for them and the suspense really gave me physical pain. God!!! Nikki, it's not fair to give your readers a heart-attack. LOL!!!
The events that unfolded left me in awe and in shock too and I couldn't think about anything else other than being in Sophie's head and being a part of her life and I loved every minute of it. There is action as always and adventure too. So what are you guys waiting for? Go and grab your copy now before all the stores get cleared by the readers !!! Enjoy guys!!!
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1. How will you describe your book within a sentence?
- Sophie is a damaged girl who learns to let down her walls and find strength, and the story also involves the supernatural (not a good sentence, but it’s a sentence lol).
2. Tell us about your favourite one among the characters of your own book? What special qualities make the particular character your favourite?
- Sophie’s brother, Jade is my favorite character. I never expected him to grow as much as Sophie and Myles do throughout the series, but he does. I love how much he cares about his family and what he’s willing to do to make sure everyone is okay. He’s just a sweet, compassionate man.
3. How do you plan out your writing?
- I usually don’t. I kind of gather ideas in my head and don’t write anything down until I’m about to burst. If there’s something I want to happen that I think I’ll forget, I’ll write it down. Or if the plot starts to get a little confusing, I jot down the main points for the overall story, but I don’t really plot out anything. I like being surprised as much as the characters are.
4. Tell us about your inspiration and how it motivated you to become a writer?
- My inspiration comes from a lot of places, I think. I’ve always been creative, therefore I simultaneously want people to see my work and I want to hide it. When the feeling of wanting to share my work over-rided the fear of people seeing it, I started to become obsessed with the idea of sharing my stories. At first, I printed them out and passed them out to people at school that wanted to read it, then I slowly moved into the idea of self-publishing. So I guess my motivation comes from accessibility and getting as many people exposed to my ideas as possible.
5. Do you prefer self-publishing or the traditional form of publishing?
- I like both. I think there are pros and cons to both sides, and it all depends on the project you have, the audience it’s intended for, and how you want to present your work. I still want to go the traditional route, and I have specific stories that I think would do well on that path, but I also have a lot of ideas that I think are better suited for self-publishing. It’s all about research and doing what’s best for you and your work.
6. Three most important things that an amateur writer must keep in mind while writing his first book.
- Read often and read widely, as in, outside of the genre you would normally read. More importantly, read like a writer and learn something story-wise, technically, or on a sentence level from the books you read.
- Write often and write even if you don’t feel like it and even if you don’t think it’s any good and that chances are you’ll delete most of it by the end. You can’t have a book if you don’t write. You can’t write well unless you learn about yourself as a writer. Although it’s painful and sometimes cringe-inducing, making mistakes is the only way to do it.
- “Trust yourself, trust your story”--Neil Gaiman. If you don’t believe in your story, no one else is going to. I think as creative people, it’s ingrained in most of us to say that we’re not good or worthy. Most of the time, that’s just fear. You have ideas and you want to write them out. Do that.Trust that no one can tell it in the way you are going to tell it and don’t be afraid to pat yourself on the back every now and then.
7. Are you currently working on a project? If yes, would you like your readers to have a sneak peek into it?
- Yes! The next thing to come out after The Sunshine Series will be a stand alone horror/suspense spin-off involving some of the characters from The Sunshine Series. Here’s a teeny bit of it:
Standing up was the hardest thing I had done in days. Harder than the cement room, harder than accepting the fact that the nightmare I had been running from my whole life was here, that I was in their house. Harder than breathing.
My legs shook under my weight and I had to lean my hands against the wall near the door, where there was yellowed, peeling wallpaper that had faded, dark flowers on it. I kept count of them until I was at the door. 21 of them.
The sun was barely peeking through dead, leafless trees, heating up what had to be at least three inches of snow. There was a metal divider at the bottom of the door, cutting the house and the outside world in half. Beyond that were the boots I was wearing when I was brought here. On the porch. It would only take maybe two, three steps to get to them.
Panic bubbled up in my throat, threatened to choke off my breathing.
I counted seven more flowers attached to seven stems. Flecks of the paper came off on my fingers.
I had to try. If he wanted to kill me, he would kill me no matter what.
8. Your top three favourite authors?
- Neil Gaiman, Anne Rice, and Augusten Burroughs.
9. Your top three favourite books of all time?
- Coraline by Neil Gaiman, Swoon by Nina Malkin, and The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer series by Michelle Hodkin.
10. Any suggestions or advice for the upcoming writers on editing and publishing their books?
- Well, first, read question number six. Then, research. Research, research, research. Look up editors or find someone who is really good at editing from your creative writing group and have them help you. Have multiple people read it and give you their honest opinions. Then when you’re ready to publish, look up what you want for your book. Traditional and Self Publishing are two very different things and have very different procedures and possible outcomes. Learn what’s best for you and your project and try to do what’s best for it.
About the author:
Nikki Rae is a student and writer who lives in New Jersey. She is an independent author and has appeared numerously on Amazon Best Seller lists. She is the author of The Sunshine Series and concentrates on making her imaginary characters as real as possible. She writes mainly dark, scary, romantic tales, but she’ll try anything once. When she is not writing, reading, or thinking, you can find her spending time with animals, drawing in a quiet corner, or studying people. Closely.
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