"The Cat" by Jean Johnson

The Cat (Sons of Destiny Series #5)
Title: The Cat  (Sons of Destiny Series #5)
Author:  Jean Johnson
Publisher: Berkley
Rating: 3 stars

Source: Bought

Amara is wary of mages——they chased her out of her homeland. Yet there is something about the mage Trevan of Nightfall that Amara can't resist. But can he be trusted with her most fiercely guarded secret? Courting such a pretty yet prickly outlander won't be easy, but Trevan is determined to try. She may be fierce, proud, and from a different culture, but after all, he is the Cat, and none but the most fascinating and challenging of women could satisfy him…

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My Thoughts
Amara is one tough cookie and I respect her for that. She is wary of mages and other people in particular because of her twin sister’s gift and those who would try to use her for it. It is a good thing Trevan likes challenges.
I liked the storyline and how the characters intereact with each other and look out for one another. You can tell that they all really love each other and that they are a true family.  There were some very interesting moments especially with Trevan in cat form. Amara herself is very interesting in how she handles situations the only thing that I really did not like about her was that she was a bit stuck up. Other than that this was a very fun and interesting read I would recommend it to anyone who likes a good fantasy.
