I want to give a big thank you to Bella from Bella Harte Books for choosing me!
My 11 Random Facts
1. I Love Manga!
2. I love Disney songs and songs from Plays like “I
will Prevail” from Alice in Wonderland.
3. I wrote a story called Wolf Print.
4. My favorite Disney movie is Beauty and the Beast.
5. I am really short and although I am 21 I frequently
get mistaken for a 12 year old. ):
6. I love Scottish accents.
7. I would live out of a bag if I could travel around
the world.
8. I could talk about books all day long.
9. I am one of those crazy people who will burst out
laughing at nothing
10. I love to sing and dance, but only when no one else is
11. I love blogging and making new friends.
What's your favourite
book of all time?
Tiger’s Curse by Colleen Houck I actually have a giveaway for the Arc of the fourth book in the series Tiger’s Destiny going on right now
How many hours do you spend on your blog per week?
How many hours do you spend on your blog per week?
I have no idea a lot lol
Decaff or Full Caff coffee?
Decaff or Full Caff coffee?
I don’t really like coffee
What would your dream holiday be?
What would your dream holiday be?
Trip to Scotland with my best friend (:
What is the best book you've read in 2012 so far?
What is the best book you've read in 2012 so far?
Pursued by Evangeline Anderson I finished it last night at
12:50 Am. It was amazing I love her Kindred series and can’t get enough of
them!! I can’t wait until Exiled comes out this Fall.
If you could have one wish, what would it be?
To travel the world, even if I had to live out of a bag I
would do it. It’s the one thing I have been dreaming about my entire life.
If you didn't blog, what would you do instead?
If you didn't blog, what would you do instead?
Read, write, laugh
Who inspires you? (Anyone from history dead or alive)
Who inspires you? (Anyone from history dead or alive)
Which do you prefer: Paperback ~
Hardback ~ E-Book?
If you could be or do anything, what would that be?
I would be an author even if the only one who liked my books
was me because honestly I have so many stories in my head that I would love to
get down on paper just so they wouldn’t keep me up all the time.
Are you a morning person or a night owl?
Here are your
2. Name an inspiring book that you have read.
3. Who are your favorite indie authors (max: 3)?
4. Book you were surprised to have loved?
5. Top three favorite singular books (with links):
6. Top three series (with links):
7. What is your worst habit (book or otherwise)?
8. 5 most "swoon-worthy" characters?
9. Future release you're drooling over?
10. What blog post are you the most proud of? (please leave a link):
11. What last made you smile?
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